【线性公园】城市核心区街道发展探索 — 墨西哥查普尔特佩克文化长廊


收藏于 : 2022-05-28 16:41   被转藏 : 1   


fernando romero建筑事务所近日公布了其位于墨西哥城的旧街查普尔特佩克大道(avenida chapultepec)上带状公园的建造方案。?



 在之前的现代化进程中,也留下了一些缺陷和疏忽之处。例如,城中最具历史的喷泉就籍籍无名地湮没在地铁站附近的货摊之间;而原来运河渡槽的圆拱,也只剩22个保存完整。这条繁华的大道拥有整个墨西哥城最高的事故几率,对于步行者和骑行者来说,横穿马路异常艰难。针对这些方面,当地政府开发了这个“查普尔特佩克文化长廊”项目,意在复兴这一地区。此提案的负责方为fernando romero of FR-EE,FRENTE arquitectura和 RVDG公司。


揭开设计的神秘面纱--- designboom专访fernando romeroDesignboom:首先,fernando,能请你给我们解释一下 “查普尔特佩克文化长廊”的设计想法吗?fernando romero:在这次的长廊项目中,其实水体的存在对城市结构的设计是至关重要的。我们觉得,将受水的动态启发下的几何形应用到设计将会非常有趣,因为这个公园是着力于以最为效率、持久的方式,解决城市不同区域间的步行流通问题。从这个意义上说,它代表了一个富于流动性的建筑。


FR: 墨西哥是一个有着伟大文化传统的国家。因此,这个项目的文化议程也自然而然地进入了政府的视野之内。 对他们来说,具有历史意义的渡槽是一个非常重要的话题。此项目也同时是一个呈现各式艺术特点的机会,以此体现墨西哥全球性特征,比如在文学和电影方面我们就颇有建树。


FR:在城市化的术语中,“完整街道(complete street)”意味着去重塑它的交通流和公共空间。这个项目能“反转数字”:假设如今,汽车的交通空间有70%、而行人占30%,那么查普尔特佩克文化长廊将会通过开拓新建空间改变这些数据,保证70%的空间用于行人和公共用途,剩下的30%的用于组织交通空间。


FR:建筑形式永远是由所在的环境决定的。从这个意义上说,该项目将会因其特定的城市位置而充实丰富。它位于城市的一个非常重要的位置,一面与condesa-roma的边界相邻,另一边则贴近zona rosa。邻近的这些场地都是非常重要的存在;拥有重要作用,有着人尽皆知的历史和丰富的多样性。而所有这些都将共同决定项目的游览体验。










The Cultural Corridor Chapultepec (CCC) is a proposal to give back Avenida Chapultepec to the pedestrians and alternative vehicles other than automobiles. It is a finger of the Chapultepec Park that gets into the urbane space to make the citizens aware about how crucial the presence of green areas are for the life quality in any city. The new CCC runs from the Chapultepec Park down to the Glorieta de los Insurgentes. Along this area of 0.8 miles (1,3 kilometers), urban space will be reinvented. New lanes for buses will be opened and the cars will be pushed to the sides in order to broaden the central space and reach a maximum of 57 meters.


"We are focused in regaining completely the space by means of a strategy different from the real estate one developed in Reforma Avenue, but by creating and developing public space.” –Simón Levy, general director ProCDMX

The main promenade will run along the center of the avenue at street level. Specific lanes for bikes, skaters, wheelchairs and strollers will be built. Pedestrian crosswalks have been strategically designed in order to access the central space from the sidewalks and avoid accidents.

"This project will organise the surroundings, will double the green areas, will enhance connectivity and will celebrate the cultural diversity of the city" – Fernando Romero, general director FR-EE

The upper level will have retail and a promenade for pedestrians with a carefully designed green landscape. There has been a special focus in the selection of the flora according to the urban context: it will not only provide shade to the public, but it will also have a crucial impact in mitigating the “heat island” effect. For the irrigation and services, recycled rainwater will be used.

"We are taking advantage of the space above the street to create an elevated park and generate a new quality public space for meeting people" – Juan Pablo Maza, general director FRENTE Electrical energy will be provided by solar cells. The bubble decks of recycled PET will yield a positive thermic and structural impact.

查普尔特佩克文化长廊在保留历史关键要素的基础上向前发展,成为墨西哥以及其它国家道路发展的一个启发,它以交汇点的方式让城市更有流动性和更具有活力。在长长的街道上,分有多个不同代表色主导的艺术区域,既丰富又统一。是一个新的,让人兴奋的积极多元空间。 The CCC will transform the context by recovering its history. It will become a road to heal the diminished urban tissue and, in general, it will be a trigger to think about the urban paths in Mexico City and elsewhere in the country. Instead of being a dividing wall, it will become a meeting point and will facilitate an active mobility between both sides. Our ecological commitment compels us to take care of every single tree and to add plants that suit best this specific context.

"We want the Cultural Corridor Chapultepec to celebrate the social call of public space as a generator of urban life by means of creating a new, exciting, active and multicultural destination" – Ruysdael Vivanco de Gyves, general director RVDG The CCC will be divided in different zones according to the blocks, so different arts will become the specific character of each part. Every zone will have a symbolic color. This way, Avenida Chapultepec will resume its rightful role as a laboratory for urban experimentation: it began as a road for the Aztec emperors, a path for the water used and drank by of the capital, the venue used by the American army, the circuit for the most modern and innovative vehicles, such as the first electric tram and the first subway.


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